White Spot Hot Fudge Brownie

White Spot Hot Fudge Brownie
Creamy ice cream, triple thick hot fudge sauce & our chocolate fudge brownie

White Spot's version of a classic dessert dish.
As I would expect, this was a good dessert.


Anonymous said...

Oh my god.. sure brings back memories of when I used to work in the kitchen at White Spot..

All the desserts and pastas I had to put up all by myself during dinner rushes..

Oh those days.. heh.

My fav dessert would be the cheesecake though, but only when it's "freshly" defrosted from the freezer.. ha. That and a strawberry milkshake with a drizzle of chocolate syrup while I'm working...drool.

I Love Food Blog said...


I appreciate you taking time to leave comments. As you can see from my blog, I`m a big fan of White Spot. It`s cool that you used to work there!

I agree with you...the cheesecake is probably my favorite dessert at the Spot as well. I haven`t posted a review on it yet though.

As for milkshakes, I normally go with the classic vanilla flavor.

Anonymous said...

White Spot has been in my life since childhood, I remember going to the one on Kingsway near Knight street a lot.

Heh, but now I don't know if I can bring myself to spend money on food there since I used to be able to get it for free..

I Love Food Blog said...

White Spot is indeed legendary.