Kawawa Ramen at Metropolis Metrotown (Burnaby, BC)

Chopsticks for Ramen.

Side dish of kimchi and seaweed.


Pork Ramen with Bamboo Shoots and Green Onion.

A closer look at the Ramen noodles.

Final Verdict:
Enjoyed my meal here...would return. Of course, Kintaro still reigns supreme in the land of Ramen in Vancouver.

Kawawa Ramen
(604) 435-8577
4700 Kingsway
Burnaby, BC
Kawawa Ramen on Urbanspoon


PerryPie said...

I've never been to a restaurant where they feature ramen. Looks good.

I Love Food Blog said...

Yes, I did enjoy the ramen. However, if you're looking for ramen and just happen to be in Vancouver...look no further than Kintaro:

Kintaro Ramen
788 Denman Street
Vancouver, BC
Tel: (604) 682-7568

Ben and Suanne said...

Where is this ramen place? Is it inside Metrotown?

I Love Food Blog said...

Yes, that is correct...it's in the Metropolis side of Metrotown. It's sort of near and one floor below the Silvercity cinema. Actually, there used to be a Japanese restaurant in that very same location that featured food items that would be floating by on a "boat." As a matter of fact, there is Kawawa the Ramen side, and Kawawa the Japanese restaurant...both side by side. Kawawa has been there since at least last year summer.

Ben and Suanne said...

Thanks a lot! Now that you mention it, I remember now. Good to know there is another place to check out. I just love ramen.

I Love Food Blog said...

No problem...I too am a big fan of ramen!

Ben and Suanne said...

Not sure how to address you. Anyway, since you like ramen, would you like to come to the chowtimes exclusive ramen fest event. We are tentatively scheduling this for mid May?

nooschi said...

Mmmm...I love Ramen! You are so right about Kintaro Ramen. Been there a few times and have never been disappointed.

I Love Food Blog said...

Hi Ben, thank you very much for the invite to the chowtimes exclusive ramen fest event in mid-may. Unfortunately, I won't be in town and thus will not be able to attend. However, thank you very much for the invite. It's an honor to be invited! Cheers.

mr. pineapple man said...

kimchi at a japanese restaurant! fusion food i guess~ looks delicious!

I Love Food Blog said...

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing mr. pineapple man!